Little stories about our family life

  • Fleeting


    Fleeting. 🌄 These moments, these days, these breaths. 🌅   📆   🌬 I’m in bed with so much on my mind and my heart. 💓  I have not been functioning well this week with Hurricane Irma on my mind. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Not knowing how exactly it’s going to affect us here in Orlando, what category it…

  • Lego Books of the Bible Activity

    Lego Books of the Bible Activity

    Happy Monday Bear Cave Friends! Here’s a simple Lego Books of the Bible Activity! There was a community garage sale that I wanted to go to but since the little cubs are recovering from the cold/cough we decided to stay home. There’s always so many great garage sale finds for a homeschool mommy. When we lived in…

  • Paleo Chicken Recipe from Annie’s Buying Club

    Paleo Chicken Recipe from Annie’s Buying Club

    Hello fellow Bear Cave friends! For those of you who don’t know, we recently transplanted from West coast to East coast. This is my first time moving since being married and I’ve been learning how different produce is from state to state. I’m a bit picky about my organic produce and I have found an…

  • Sukiyaki Recipe

    Sukiyaki Recipe

  • Home Depot Kid’s Workshop Review

    Home Depot Kid’s Workshop Review

    Does your child like construction, putting things together, crafting? Well, the Home Depot Kid’s Workshop is perfect for your littles and older ones too. The Home Depot Kid’s Workshops are one of my favorite activities because they’re FREE and FUN!  You don’t want to miss it 🙂 Everything you need is included! Home Depot does…

  • Lombardi’s Seafood Orlando Review Orlando Review

    Lombardi’s Seafood Orlando Review Orlando Review

  • Kids Art Gallery at Home

    Kids Art Gallery at Home

    As parents, we want to treasure the little to big things that our children create. Those little hands creating pictures, art, memories at home or at school. Sometimes there are so many pieces of artwork that it ends up in a “going to be put somewhere” pile and then forgotten and keeps piling up. When…

Got any book recommendations?