Author: Maxine

  • Love Your Neighbor: A Bag of Popcorn That Opened Doors

    Love Your Neighbor: A Bag of Popcorn That Opened Doors

    David and I have been digging deep into what it means to “Love Your Neighbor.” David and I have always loved getting to know everyone around us. More recently we’ve wanted to move beyond simple social connections and to building a community. Even though socializing with everyone is a natural part of our personalities, going…

  • Encouragement for Moms: You’re the Mom They Need

    Encouragement for Moms: You’re the Mom They Need

    “You are the mom they need. You are enough.” David (my husband) told me this last week and my goodness did I need to hear it. I hope that this post is an encouragement for moms just like me. Last week was a hard week. It was one of those weeks where everyone wanted everything…

  • Morning Routine

    Morning Routine

    Oh no, it’s the Morning! First of all, I am NOT a morning person and therefore a morning routine is bit of a challenge. Ever since I was in elementary school, I can remember not wanting to get out of bed to go to school. I was the one that pressed the snooze button endlessly…

  • Replanted 🌱

    Replanted 🌱

    Replanted.🌱 It’s been exactly 1️⃣  year since our family uprooted and replanted to a place unknown. 🛫 While still in the same country, Florida was completely foreign to us. I wasn’t able to “check out” where we would be living before we made the big move. In the months of our decision and leading up to…

  • Fleeting


    Fleeting. 🌄 These moments, these days, these breaths. 🌅   📆   🌬 I’m in bed with so much on my mind and my heart. 💓  I have not been functioning well this week with Hurricane Irma on my mind. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Not knowing how exactly it’s going to affect us here in Orlando, what category it…

  • Lego Books of the Bible Activity

    Lego Books of the Bible Activity

    Happy Monday Bear Cave Friends! Here’s a simple Lego Books of the Bible Activity! There was a community garage sale that I wanted to go to but since the little cubs are recovering from the cold/cough we decided to stay home. There’s always so many great garage sale finds for a homeschool mommy. When we lived in…

  • Paleo Chicken Recipe from Annie’s Buying Club

    Paleo Chicken Recipe from Annie’s Buying Club

    Hello fellow Bear Cave friends! For those of you who don’t know, we recently transplanted from West coast to East coast. This is my first time moving since being married and I’ve been learning how different produce is from state to state. I’m a bit picky about my organic produce and I have found an…