Category: Neighboring

  • Pain to Purpose

    Pain to Purpose

    Pain ➡️ progress ➡️ plan ➡️ passion ➡️ purpose ➡️proclamation➡️ provision ➡️ peace + promise.   In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, I dedicate this post to my parents. Their sacrifices in coming to this country allowed us to be here today, celebrating our heritage and the richness of our culture.…

  • Maxine’s 40 ways to LOVE

    Maxine’s 40 ways to LOVE

    Tuesday, July 5, 2022 I can’t believe I am already here, I still remember when I turned 16! LOL…but I guess they say “time flies”! Well, it sure does…in a blink of an eye! And after having kids, I feel like it speeds up somehow. But I wouldn’t take anything back nor do I regret…

  • Asian American History

    Asian American History

    History. 🕰📰 Learning about our heritage and our Asian American history lately has made me reflect on the sacrifice and hardships it took for my family to be here in the United States of America. 🇺🇸 So much rich family history is imbedded in the story of how my paternal Grandma and Grandpa and my…

  • Love Your Neighbor: A Bag of Popcorn That Opened Doors

    Love Your Neighbor: A Bag of Popcorn That Opened Doors

    David and I have been digging deep into what it means to “Love Your Neighbor.” David and I have always loved getting to know everyone around us. More recently we’ve wanted to move beyond simple social connections and to building a community. Even though socializing with everyone is a natural part of our personalities, going…