Dad’s Famous Oxtail Soup

Growing up we always had soup with dinner. And it wasn’t just any kind of soup, mom and dad made sure it was loaded with lots of veggies and some sort of meat and some Chinese herbs. I call those the “secret ingredients” since I never knew what they were called in English. It was a staple in our home. Making soup from scratch can take up to a few hours and a lot of prep. My dad was always the one who loved to do the prepping of ingredients and then mom would mix in all the yummy goodness with her “special ingredients”.

My husband, on the other hand, is not a big fan of what he calls “flavored broth”. Haha. He prefers more thick and hearty soups like clam chowder, beef stew, minestrone, etc. BUT the one “brothy” soup he will drink is my dad’s oxtail soup. So I had to make sure I had this down and learn how to make it so I can pass it down to my bear cubs as well.

Oxtail soup is a very simple dish to prepare and cook.

There are many different kinds of oxtail soup, but I really love the simpleness of this recipe and the wholesome ingredients. Whenever we had leftover soup, I would add elbow noodles in it the next day. There’s something about the oxtail meat after it’s been boiling for so long…the tenderness of the meat that just falls off the bone…mmmmm. There’s also a special sauce that my mom likes to make that compliments the ox tail very well. Great over rice! So here it goes….

Makes ONE big pot of soup. 🙂 About 6-8 servings.

Oxtail Soup Ingredients:

  • 3 lbs of beef ox tail
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 3 russet potatoes (cut into 1″ pieces)
  • 3 carrots (cut into 1″ pieces)
  • 1 stalk of celery (cut into 1″ pieces)
  • 1 large yellow onion (cut into 1/2 in pieces)
  • optional: 3 Tbsp of tomato paste
  • 5 cups of water
  • Salt to taste


  1. Rinse the oxtail and place in a pot of water, but not submerged in order to scoop out the released proteins so you don’t have to do when everything else is in.
  2. After about 10 minutes, add the 5 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Put in all the veggies, except the tomatoes. Boil for 30 minutes on med-high. Then, add your tomatoes.
    IMG_7872 IMG_7867Oxtail Soup boiling over
  4. Next, you can bring to a simmer and leave the lid off for another hour. If you want to add more tomato flavor, you can add the tomato paste. We didn’t do it this time around. Add salt to taste.
  5. When the soup is all done, you can take out the ox tail and make the special sauce to pour on.
    Oxtail Soup served in a bowl
  6. Oxtail Sauce recipe: In a small sauce pan, heat up 1/2 cup of soy sauce and a tsp of sesame oil for about a minute and pour over oxtail.
    Oxtail Soup served over Soy sauce
  7. ENJOY and be HAPPY! =D

Did you love the oxtail soup? Tell me how you like it and what else you might have put in it!








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