Breakfast Hash

Usually when we go out for breakfast or brunch, the “Breakfast Hash” on the menu always sounds so appetizing! So does the Eggs Benedict, especially if it’s with crab! haha. But this week, we decided to make this mouth-watering dish at home. This one is really basic and doesn’t really need a whole lot. You probably already have most items in your pantry or fridge. You can choose from many different veggies or proteins.

This gluten-free brunch started with cooking bacon in the skillet till crispy and then setting aside, leaving the bacon fat. Next, we used some leftover herbed potatoes that we had the night before. You can choose different starches such as sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut squash, etc.  If you are starting from scratch, just cook your potatoes in a skillet with still softened or browned (about 8 minutes), season with salt, pepper, rosemary. If you have leftovers, just make sure you heat them up so that they become crispy again (about 3-4 minutes). While your starch is heating up, go ahead and cut up the bacon into big chunks to be added back in at the end.

Then, add your choice of veggies (bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, mushrooms) when then potatoes are about half done. Everything can be cooked together. If your veggies are not seasoned, feel free to add rosemary, oregano, and/or thyme. Make sure your veggies are cooked and you can add the bacon back in here when done.

Finally, in another smaller pan, add a little bit of cooking oil and make your egg over easy or medium. Running eggs are the best over a hash. MMMMmmmm… add a dash of salt and pepper on top. My husband is the one who taught me how to make eggs the right way. When we first got married, he said I was doing it all wrong. haha .. so I’ve been trying to perfect my technique each time. lol. He does make some pretty amazing scrambled or over medium eggs though.

Optional: I chopped up some chives to garnish and added some sliced avocado. I love avocado on everything! OHHH….you can also add some shredded cheese on top when you add the bacon back in. Since I have some lactose issues in the household, we had to hold off on this one. I need to look into soy cheese!






Hope you ENJOY this hash! Make it your own! Get creative with it!

ENJOY and be HAPPY! =D








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