Sweet and Spicy Spaghetti Squash

I’ve been really enjoying different recipes with squashes lately. It’s been nice trying different things, even my husband has been a trooper being my guinea pig and trying more healthy finds.

This is a SUPER SIMPLE recipe…really not much work but steaming your spaghetti squash.



  1. Get your water ready in your steamer.
  2. Cut the squash in half with a good heavy knife. Just take a good whack at it :). Use those muscles.
  3. Scrape out all the fibers (super stringy things) and seeds with a spoon. (You can save seeds to toast them, just like pumpkin seeds).
  4. Once cleaned, cut into quarters (makes easier to steam).
  5. When steamer is ready, put the pieces face down and steam for 10-15 minutes until tender. (You’ll be able to tell when you use a knife and it cuts into the flesh easily).
  6. Take the squash out and let it cool for about 5 minutes.
  7. Next, scrape out the flesh using a fork.
  8. Plate the spaghetti squash flesh on a plate. Drizzle desired amount of Mae Ploy chili sauce and peanuts and devour.
  9. Be ready for seconds!
  10. ENJOY and be HAPPY! =D 











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