Detox Lemon Mint Water

Stay clean with detoxing Lemon Mint Water

This pretty drink is perfect for enjoying first thing in the morning. Many people begin their day with a glass of lemon water because it flushes out toxins and gets the system revved up.  It is a good idea to make this the first thing you consume in the morning. Healthy drinks come in all shapes and sizes, but this one is especially detoxifying.

Lemon and mint water is fresh and invigorating. It jump-starts the metabolism and helps you awaken after a night of sleep. It also gets you hydrated first thing in the morning, after several hours without water.


  • 1/2 Lemon sliced
  • 6-7 Mint Leaves
  • Ice Cold Water

Chill in fridge for about 6 hours before drinking.

ENJOY and be HAPPY! =)






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