Elk Grove Farmer’s Market

This morning we decided to pick up groceries for the week at the local Farmer’s Market. One of the great things about shopping at the Farmer’s Market is that you’re supporting local growers. While not all produce at the market is organic, I’d have to say around 90% of it is! Not only have we found that much of our local food tastes better, many local farmers are GMO free! Here’s some pictures from our morning!


It was just the most beautiful morning out today! The carrots and tomatoes were too cute not to take a picture with! I felt like Bugs Bunny! “What’s up doc?”


I got to talk with this nice gentleman from Hearty Fork Farms! He’s in the process of moving from a 1 acre lot to a 6 acre lot! It was exciting to hear him working toward becoming a completely USDA certified organic farm. Sounds like lots of work if you ask me! He and his wife had a really attractive setup and display of their crops.


We hope you’re having a great weekend with your families! We’ve got some fun foods coming all week long!






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