Our Cubs

We had lots of fun shooting these! Our dear friends and world famous photographers, Stephen and Sou-Wah came over to help us put this together! Our older boy wasn’t super excited about shooting the pictures, surprise surprise, we were more excited about them than he was! In addition to the above picture here’s some other scenes we put together:



So if you’re adventurous and want to put together your own fun blanket scene, here’s some quick tips!

  • You’ll need a stool or ladder to get significantly high above your subject.
  • Use a room that’s really well lit (lots of windows during the day).
  • Don’t use flash when you’re shooting your pictures.
  • Take advantage of the fact that you don’t have to deal with gravity!
  • You can shoot these pictures with your iPhone or fancy dSLR.
  • Bonus Tip from PaperFish Studios: Wear a strap if you’re using your dSLR. dSLRs are heavy and if dropped can cause injury! And you’ll cry from breaking equipment!

We’d love to see your pictures if you get to take some fun pictures! Post them here or on our Facebook page!






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