Tag: Video

  • Cocoa Almond Macaroons (with video)

    Cocoa Almond Macaroons (with video)

    Warning: not a clean-eating recipe. =D …but SUPER delicious. I’ve always wanted to try making macaroons, but was too intimidated by just the sound of the name. haha. After my first attempt, with help from a friend, it actually wasn’t too bad. Turns out that it really only requires four basic ingredients:  egg whites, powdered sugar, regular…

  • Mama Lim’s Homemade Wontons (with Video!)

    Mama Lim’s Homemade Wontons (with Video!)

    Growing up I was spoiled with my mom’s amazing Chinese food. We usually had a 4 course meal at dinner every night. Don’t know how she did it after working an 8-9 hour day, but she did and fed us well. Recently, my mother and I got together to make her special homemade wontons. We…