Little stories about our family life

  • Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles

    Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles

    Got leftover watermelon?? Here’s a great popsicle recipe to try to beat that summer heat! ️️️ Our family loves our summer fruits, from watermelons to strawberries to plums and peaches 🙂 We also love popsicles in the summer too, especially homemade ones because you can choose what flavor you want to invent. We’ve only tried…

  • Sweet Potato Fries

    Sweet Potato Fries

    I love ordering sweet potato fries when I am out. It has that salty sweet combo that just hits the spot. These fries are a great snack and nutritious too! According to the sweet potato website (, here are the nutritional facts about sweet potatoes: high in Beta Carotene and vitamins E and C. good…

  • What a hoot!

    What a hoot!

    Owl be working on some new recipes this coming week! Stay tuned. It’s been a little crazy at the Bear Cave lately. Thank you for your patience 🙂   #funfoodFriday #foodart #foodies #summer #hot #oranges #nutella #kiwi #Cheerios #yum #breakfast #hungry #kids ️

  • Yogurt Stuffed Strawberries

    Yogurt Stuffed Strawberries

    This light refreshing dessert is great for when you have guests over and you want anything too heavy after dinner. I really enjoy anything with strawberries. You want to make sure you make this fresh and don’t let it sit out too long since the yogurt might spill over a little. 🙂 Ingredients: 8 strawberries…

  • Rain, Rain, Come today….

    Rain, Rain, Come today….

    The nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away” is complete opposite of what we are wishing for right now. Flying across the country last month and looking from above I saw how bad our drought really is. I haven’t seen this much dry land in awhile. We’ve been doing as much as we can to save…

  • Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

    Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

    I never really made cookies from scratch because I was too scared I’d mess up the whole batch and then end up throwing the whole thing away. So I always ended up buying store bought cookies or at a local cookie shop. I started practicing making cookies from scratch and it was a WHOLE NEW…

  • Prayer for the Plane Crashes

    Prayer for the Plane Crashes

    Today’s #funfoodFriday piece goes out to the victims and their families of all the recent plane crashes. From the last one in March to the last few in the past couple weeks – from CTVnews: “Last week Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down by a missile over Ukraine, killing all 298 people onboard. On…

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