About Us

Hello Friends!

Welcome to The Journey Home Family blog. We wanted to take a few moments to introduce ourselves to you. We are David and Maxine. Both California natives, born and raised. Coming from Chinese immigrant families, we are also both 1st generation Chinese-American. Up till 2016, we’ve been in California our whole lives. We transplanted to Florida for David’s work and now have made Florida our new home. We have three little cubs, our “bears”, who keep us on our toes. They are truly a gift and blessing from the Lord.

Regardless of where we are, we have some pretty important purposes that drive us daily as a couple and as a family:

  • Listening to and following God’s direction.
  • Raising our children with compassion for the world.
  • Growing in our love for one another and for everyone around us.
  • Creating lifelong memories as a family wherever we may be.
  • Doing all things with excellence.

As we write and journey through bits and pieces of our story, much of our writing will be about our family, our community and our adventure through this wonderful life we’ve been given and how the true Author of our story is using it to fit into His greater story.

We hope that through our journey, we’ll be able to laugh together, encourage each other, and even share some tears. We want to hear from you, pray with you and celebrate with you as you live your story.

This is the adventure God is taking us on; through this life and one day, to our forever home with our forever king.

Journeying with you,

David and Maxine (and our 3 bear cubs)

A little bit about Maxine:

Hi! I’m Maxine, mama bear of the family and love watching our little cubs grow in their friendship and love for one another. I also love starting new traditions now that we have our own family.

I graduated with my Masters in Social Work and was a foster family social worker before we had children. Now, I see how those skills and talents I learned being implemented in the home and in our ministry.

I love Jesus, dark chocolate, organic foods, holistic living, Trader Joe’s, star gazing, exploring new places, the beach, a clean kitchen, women’s ministry, dates with my hubby, thriving on efficiency and networking/gathering people together. Most importantly, I am a sinner saved by grace and am always growing and learning what the Lord is teaching me and sanctifying me through the good and the bad days. He makes all things beautiful in His time. I love meeting new people and would love to get to know YOU!

A little bit about David:

Hello! My name is David and in our home, I’m Honey, Dada, Daddy, Daddy Bear and my favorite, “the Tooter.” A bit about me, I grew up homeschooled most of my life. I spent the majority of my childhood in Northern California. For a few years though, I was a Christian missionary kid in Indonesia.

I graduated with a degree in Graphic Design and spent my first 10 years after graduation as a freelancer, small business owner and finally a design agency founder. My favorite job has thus far been as a Husband and Father.

On a non-work related note, I am a musician and spend a lot of time leading worship music for my church. My favorite instruments are violin, guitar, piano and bass. But back to design, I do love visual design. I’m not a natural artist. I love functional design and it leaks out in almost all my deeper conversations. I love being with friends and have often been accused of joking too much.

The most defining thing about me though is my faith in Jesus Christ. All that I do comes out from a desire to become like and live like Jesus. You ought to know this. It’ll come up in our conversations together. Regardless of your own beliefs, I’d love to be friends with you! You are special and lovable regardless of who you are and where you come from.

Looking forward to getting to know you more and journeying together!
Blessings, Maxine and David