Lego Books of the Bible Activity

Happy Monday Bear Cave Friends! Here’s a simple Lego Books of the Bible Activity!

There was a community garage sale that I wanted to go to but since the little cubs are recovering from the cold/cough we decided to stay home. There’s always so many great garage sale finds for a homeschool mommy. When we lived in CA, I used to look up which garage sales were worth going to and then map them all out. Having just boys at the time, I was always eager to find legos, duplos, cars, firetrucks, board games, books and balls. I remember finding a whole bin of Duplo for $5!!! Over the years, we’ve used our Duplo to build bridges, tunnels, houses, garages, play matching color games and the list goes on. But now the children are getting a little older and are into the smaller Lego. Our old bigger Duplo came in handy for this Lego Books of the Bible Activity!

I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and now raising a Christian family, I want to make sure the children have a good biblical foundation before leaving the home. My goal this year is to teach the boys the order of the books of the bible and the major sections. So we created Lego Books of the Bible Activity. It’s a great way to memorize them by song (link below). This one is a bit fast, but there are many others you can find and that might a lot slower or different beat :).

What you need for Lego Books of the Bible Activity:

  • Set of Duplos with longer pieces (at least a couple inches long)
  • Masking Tape
  • Permanent Markers (I thought regular markers would work, but smeared so switched to permanent later)
  • Scissors
  • Books of the Bible list (which I found here)

Instructions for Lego Books of the Bible Activity:

  1. Color coordinate your pieces (you can decide what colors you would like to use). I used it in rainbow format to keep things organized.
  2. Cut a piece of masking table on each Duplo piece
  3. Using a permanent marker, write the order of the Books of the Bible.
  4. We used a this song to be able to help memorize them as well.
  5. Mix them all up and have the kiddos put them in order (can do section by section)
  6. Can also be used as a color coding game for younger ones.
  7. ENJOY and be HAPPY! =D 







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